Property Initiative Underwriting Agency and PIUA are trading names of Geo Underwriting Services Limited.
We are committed to providing a memorable and uncomplicated service to all our clients and this engrained in our staff and business processes We genuinely think you will see the difference when you engage with PIUA. We are fortunate to have built a team of individuals who have a proven track record in delivering quality insurance products and services across a wide spectrum of property risks. We have developed an in-house training regime and, as a company, encourage ongoing professional and personal development with a focus on 'making a difference'.
Tel: 0330 6780 228
Business Hours : 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
New business team:
Renewals team:
Claims – refer to your policy wording or schedule for claims contact details. Please have your policy number and risk address ready when contacting your insurer.
If you need a copy of your policy wording, please contact your broker.
Contact us:
Tel: 0330 6780 228
Business Hours : 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
New business team:
Renewals team:
Whether your clients own a couple of investment properties or a portfolio of office buildings we can provide quality solutions to insure their interests are protected. Our resourceful underwriters will find a way to write even the most complex of business and with any luck for less money that your clients are currently paying.
From flats to thatch our expert residential property underwriters will match your clients’ needs in the most cost-effective way possible.
Residential Unoccupied
PIUA can give you three levels of cover for Residential Unoccupied, from Level 1 – Fire, Lightning, Explosion, Earthquake, Aircraft, Malicious Damage, Weight of Snow and Subsidence* Only, to Level 3 –Theft, Malicious Damage and Escape of Water up to the Sum Insured. For any price sensitive clients Level 2 might be a good option with Theft, Malicious Damage and Escape of Water up to £2,500 covered at a reduced premium.
Some key benefits of our Residential Unoccupied Scheme are:
Commercial Unoccupied
Our Commercial Unoccupied policy covers your clients for the standard perils as well as a number of wider perils including riot and civil commotion; flood; impact by vehicles and animals and Property Owners Liability.
Some Key benefits of our Commercial Unoccupied Scheme are:
*Where noted within the Policy Schedule &/or Statement of Fact
Property Initiatives Underwriting Agency and PIUA are trading names of Geo Underwriting Services Limited. Registered in England and Wales under company number: 04070987. Registered office: 2 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London, EC3R 7PD. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Registered Number 308400. You can check the Financial Services Register by visiting